What to expect



Here is a sample schedule of what a regular night at Calvary Youth will look like.

6:30pm - Doors Open - Hangout & Tuck Shop

6:50 pm - Youth service (including teaching, prayer, worship, videos, testimonies, small groups & more)

8:00 pm - Competition (Competitive games based on the teaching)(We also run big game nights with a shortened service & larger group games)

8:30pm - Pick Up


Youth Leaders That Care

Our youth leaders love to have fun. They love to be crazy and competitive but also chill.

But ultimately are youth leaders come to youth because they care about you and they want you to know more about Jesus.

For some of you that means that you are a Christian and our youth leaders want to help you know the God who loved you so much that he left his place in heaven in order to die for you and then to come back to life for you so that you could be with God forever. They also want to help you live in the way that God desires. Your obedience to God is ultimately for his glory but it also is meant for your good and your joy.

And if you aren’t a Christian that is cool with us. We are glad you are at youth and we want to help you know more about God and answer your questions and hesitations. To put all our cards on the table our goal is that God would change your life they way that he has changed ours.


God Is the Centre

God is at the centre of everything we do.

The goal of our nights is to know him better, follow him better & and glorify him better.

This is why the majority of our nights are spent solely focused on Him. There are lots of different places for youth to gather and do “safe” things and “fun” things but the church is the place where people go to know God more and experience the power of following God in obedience together.

That is our goal: We want to support Christian families as they disciple their youth and we want to support youth as they share their faith with their friends who have yet to experience how Jesus changes lives.

So what can you expect?

God is the centre.